Super Math Teacher

The thoughts of a middle school math teacher

Summer has ended

This summer has gone very quickly.  After graduation on June 16, I left for 6 weeks in the USA on June 18.  Now it is July 28 and I am at the airport yo head back to Vietnam for another year at AIS.

During the summer, I spent most of the time in eastern North Carolina.  Of course, there was the trip to Myrtle Beach for a few days.  All I can say is surf and sun, plus a real teacher store.  ðŸ˜€

The biggest trip was to Baltimore for the NCTM Interactive Institutes.  I spent a weeks there, with other math teachers, learning about Mathematical Discourse and Productive Struggle.  I can’t wait to use some of what I learned in my classroom!  I am looking forward to sharing some of the ias with my department at AIS as well.

My sister traveled with me to Baltimore.  We spent the evenings wandering around the Inner Harbor area, where we were staying.  The highlight was the National Aquarium for the afternoon.  In addition, we walked to Federal Hill, which we climbed and got great views of the Harbor. We encountered, by chance, the mascot for the Baltimore ore Ravens NFL team.  We found the haunting Holocast memorial, reminiscent of the boxcars used in Europe in WWII.

I had the chance to have lunch with a former colleague from AIS one day while there.  It was a nice, although short visit.

While in North Carolina, I did a little shopping (of course) and helped Mom with some things that she needed done.  Essentially, it was just a chance to relax and recharge for the upcoming school year.  School starts next week!

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